『悪魔と博覧会』エリック・ラーソン著・野中邦子訳 文藝春秋社、2006年4月25日刊
The Devil in the Whitecity by Eric Larson

プロローグ オリンピック号の船上で
10(ページ).Burnhamは1912年4月13日の日記に船室の番号を書いている。Burnham Archives, Diary Roll 2. Olymplc と Titanic については Brinin; Lynch; Eaton and Haas; and White Star. 後者は1911年に Shipping World and Shipbuilderから再版が刊行された。これには2つの船の詳細な特徴と、船内の地図、設備などが説明されている。
10.「自分の仕事をThis prolonging: Moore, Burnham. Architect, 2:172.
13.「南北戦争以後the greatest event: Miller, 488.

第一部: 凍れる音楽

18. 「どんな文明においてもNever before: Miller, 511.
19. 「まっとうな庶民がThe parlors and bedrooms:同上,516.
19. 「皮を剥がれた人間a human being: 同上, 193.

22. 「ウィンディ・シティ」というあだなIt was this big talk: Dedmon 221.
25.「ニューヨークのハゲタカthe hawks, buzzards: Chicago Tribune, July 24, 1889.
26.「シカゴ建設に協力してきたthe men who have helped: Chicago Tribune, August 2, 1889.
27.「群衆の上にただようThe gloom: Chicago Tribune, February 24, 1890.
27.「諸君、私にいわせればGentlemen.I am prepared: 同上
29.「オールド・セントラルの記録ではthe records of th Old Central: Hines, 402.
29.「ハーヴァードにはI went to Harvard: 同上, 11.
29.「シカゴ一、またはアメリカ一greatest architect: 同上, 12.
30.「同じことのくりかえしにThere is a famaly tendency: Miller, 315.
32.「目標は大々的にMy idea: Sullivan, Louis, 285.
32.「どんな家族にもThere is a black sheep: Letter, Daniel Hudson Burnham, Jr., to Charles Moore, February 21, 1918. Burnham Archives, Charles Moore Correspondence, Box 27, File 3.
33. 「ずいぶんと長いあいだA long wait frightened us: Monroe, Poetis Life, 59.
34. 「非の打ちどころのないso completely happy: 同上, 60.
35. 「おそらく世界一のprobably not equaled: Miller, 321.
36. 「われわれの独創性our originality: Moore, Burnham. Architect, 1:24.
36. 「もしも地面が支えられるならif he said. the earth: 同上, 1:321.
36. 「このビルはThe building throughout: 同上
38. 「ゴシック聖堂のWhat Chartres was: Hines, 53.
38. 「望むオフィスはwho will not have an office: Miller, 326.
39. 「ダニエル・ハドソン・バーナムはDaniel Burnham Hudson was: Starrett, 29.
39. 「けちくさい設計図をMake no little plans: 同上, 311.
39. 「この点に関してI've never seen: Miller, 319.
40. 「会話の能力はHis conversational powers: 同上, 316.
40. 「いつも思うのだけれどI used always to think Ibid 317
40. 「事務所には仕事がThe office was full: Starrett, 32.
40. 「二人にとってThe work of each man: Miller, 318.
41. 「ゴルディオスの都会that Gordian city: Lewis, 19.
41. 「本物の恐怖をa gigantic peepshow: 同上, 136.
42. 「これを買ったのはI did it: Burnham to mother, undated, Burnham Archives, Burnham Family Correspondence, Box 25, File 2.
42. 「この件に関してyou must not worry Burnham to Margaret, February 29, 1888, Burnham Archives, Burnham Family Correspondence, Box 25, File 3.
43. 「この検死官はThe coroner: Burnham to Margaret, March 3, 1888, 同上
43. 「バーナムはこれを歓迎せずBurnham was not pleased: Sullivan, Louis, 294.
44. 「またしても装飾でsmear another facade: Morrison, 64.
44. 「無垢な存在an innocent: Sullivan, Louis, 291.
44. 「彼は象のようにHe was elephantine: 同上, 288.
47. 「わがクラブの解剖台でWhen may we see you: Chicago Tribune, February 25, 1890.
47. 「つい先ごろThe most marvelous exhibit: 同上
47. 「今度の博覧会がChicago is like: Chicago Tribune, February 27, 1890.

50. 身長百七十センチHis height was: Franke, 24. Franke はホームズがBoston警察に逮捕されたときの身長・体重などのデータをもとに Rogue's Galleryfile カードに彼の容姿を再現した.
50. 「目は大きくThe eyes are very big: Schechter, 282.
51. 電信柱A telegraph pole: Englewood Directory, 37.
51. 「ストックヤード地区ではWhile at times: Sullivan, Gerald, 49.
52. ホームズが薬局に入るとHolmes enterd the store: Mudgett, 22-23; Schechter, 13-17; Boswell and Thompson, 81. See also Town of Lake Directory, 217.
53. 「生々しく動物的な臭いan elemental odor: Sinclair, 25.
53. 「死の川river of death: 同上, 34.
54. 「毎日、村のI had daily: Mudgett, 6.
54. 「いとけない子供にNor did they desist: 同上, 6
55. 「母親っ子mother's boy: 同上, 199
55. 「十二歳の恋人twelve-year-old sweetheart: 同上, 200.
55. マジェットの親しい友達Mudgett's only close friend: Schechter, 12.
55.「巡回写真師itinerant photographer: Mudgett, 7.
55.「その次に同じく不思議なHad he next proceeded: 同上, 8.
55.「その写真は何年もI kept it for many years: 同上, 8.
58. 十九歳のマジェットはHe enrolled: 同上, 14.
58.「人生で初めてthe frst really dishonest: 同上,15.
58.「西への旅はI could hardly count: 同上,16.
58. やがてニューヨーク州ムーアズ・フォークにEventually he came to Mooers Forks: 同上, 16; Chicago Tribune, July 31, 1895; New York Times, July 31, 1895.
59.「わが校の教授たちSome of the professors: Franke, 118.
59.「一八八五年の秋In the fall of 1885: Mudgett, 17.
60.「この計画にはThis scheme called for: 同上,19.
60.「必要な材料the necessary supply: 同上
60.「このため例のものをThis,he said,necessitated: 同上, 20.
60.「一流保険会社がand for the first time: 同上
61. 下宿の家主The owner of the house: Chicago Tribune, July 31, 1895.
61.「正気を失った人びとThis, he wrote,was my first: Mudgett, 21.
62.「この都市にはThe city had laid: Dreiser, Sister Carrie, 16.
63.「イングルウッドではthere was such a rush: Sullivan, Gerald, 14.
63. 一八六八年ミセス H. B. ルイスIn 1868 a Mrs. H. B. Lewis: 同上
64.「ユニオン・ストックヤード勤務のTo the business men: Catalogue, 3.
64.「売買はうまくいったMy trade was good: Mudgett, 23.
64. 店には新しい看板をHe put up a new sign: Franke, 210.

67. バーナムの友人A friend of Burnham's: Ellsworth to Olmsted, July 26, 1890 Burnham Archives Box 58 File 13.
67. 「私はこれまでずっとI have all my life: Rybczynski, Clearing, 385-86.
68. 「緑の塊を飾るflecks of white or red: Olmsted Landscape Architecture 18.
68. 「私が設計するときのI design with a view: Rybczynski, Clearing, 396.
69. 「考えてもみてくれSuppose, he wrote: Olmsted to Van Brunt January 22, 1891 Olmsted Papers Reel 22.
69. 「全員がそれぞれwe are always personally: Roper, 421.
70. 気分がひどく落ちこむHe was prone: Rybczynski, Clearing, 247-48, 341.
70. 「私の意見はこうですMy position is this: Ellsworth to Olmsted, July 26, 1890.
71. たしかにそのとおりだったCertainly that seemed: Articles of Agreement, 1890, Olmsted Papers, Reel 41; Rybczynski, Clearing, 387.
71. 「いつ当地にこられるや?When can you be here?: Telegram quoted in Olmsted to Butterworth, August 6, 1890, Burnham Archives, Box 58, File 13.
71. 「一度見ただけでHaving seen it: Chicago Tribune, July 7, 1890.
72. バーナムとならいっしょにa man they could work with: Codman to Olmsted, October 25, 1890, Olmsted Papers, Reel 57.
74. 「いわせてもらえばIt is to be desired: Olmsted, Report, 51.
77. 「世俗の人a man of the world: Sullivan, Louis, 287.
78. 「男が小さな少年のshe patted the mortar: Chicago Tribune, November 2, 1890.
78. ある目撃者によればRoot, according to a witness: Miller, 316.
79.「学校ではWhile in school: Chicago Record, December 16, 1893, McGoorty Papers.
79.「突然、切れ者にHe got smart: Chicago Record, December 15, 1893, 同上
60.「どんよりした空気murky pall: Chicago Tribune, November 16, 1890.

86. 「野心が夫のAmbition has been the curse: Schechter, 238.
87. 「母がよくいっていましたがHis presence: Franke, 112.
88. 「幼児は大人よりもIt is said that babies: 同上, 112.
88. 大まかな構造とその機能はThe building's broad design: Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 1895; Chicago Tribune, July 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, August 18, 1895; New York Times. July 25, 26, 29, 31, 1895.
89. 「基礎工事はThere is an uneven settlement: Chicago Tribune, July 25, 1895.
90. 交代が激しいためthe high rate of turnover: 同上; Schechter, 28-29.
90. 「ホームズが何を作っているのかI don't know: Franke, 95-96.
91. このラティマーによればAt first, Latimer said: 同上, 43.
92. 「大まかにいえばIn a general way: Geyer, 26-27.
92. 「体格は立派fine physique: Trial, 145.
92. 「私のところへ来ればCome with me: Schechter, 25.
93. 「ピツェルは彼の道具だったPitezel was his tool: Trial, 449.
94. ホエース・エリオット警部Captain Horace Elliot: Englewood Directory, 36.
95. 買い手を悔しがらせたTo the buyer's chagrin: Schechter, 36.
95. 市の紳士録City directories: Englewood Directory, 179, 399; Franke, 40.
95. 「あんなに頭の回る男はHe was the smoothest man: Franke, 42-43.
96. 「週に九回か十回もI sometimes sold him: 同上, 1 11.
97. 「怖がらないでDon't be afraid: Chicago Tribune, July 31, 1895; New York Times, July 31, 1895; Franke, 110.
98. だが、たいていのアメリカ人と違ってUnlike most Americans: Chicago Tribune, July 26, 1895.
98. 『シカゴ・トリビューン』の広告欄An advertisement: Hoyt, 177.

100. ただちに大まかなプランをImmediately the directors: Burnham and Millet, 14-17; Burnham, Design, 7-9; Monroe, Root, 222-23.
101. 「いますぐジャクソン・パークの現場にat once cheap wooden quarters: Burnham to Committee on Buildings and Grounds, December 1, 1890, Burnham Archives, Box 58, File 3.
101. 「紋章などたいした問題ではIt may not occur to you: Burnham to Davis, December 8, 1890, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, vol. 1.
101. 「ひどく傷ついてcut to the quick: Monroe, Root, 235.
102. 「この措置はfeeling confident: Moore, Burnham interview, 3.
104. 「マッキム、前置きはMcKim, damn your preambles: Moore, McKim, 113.
105. 「彼自身にとってTo himself: Monroe, Poet's Life, 115.
107. 「主体となるThey all approved: Burnham to Olmsted, December 23, 1890, Olmsted Papers, Reel 57.
108. 「彼らはもう一度they said: Moore, Burnham interview, 3.
109. 「すべての仕事をBurnham had believed: Sullivan, Louis, 319.
109. 「たぶん彼、アドラーはI think he. Adler: Moore, Burnham interview, 4.
110. 「疲れたとこぼしていたHe said he was tired:Inland Architect and News Record, vol. 16, no. 8 (January 1891), 88.
110. 「東部の男たち態度にHe was depressed: Monroe, Root, 249.
110. 「これはアメリカ建築にとってHe felt that this: 同上, 249.

113. シカゴ中心部で急速にIn a parody: Boswell and Thompson, 81.
114. マータの大叔父When Myrta's great-uncle: 同上, 80; Schechter, 235; Chicago Tribune, July 27, 1895; New York Times. July 29, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 29, 1895.
115. ホームズはイングルウッドに戻るとHolmes returned to Englewood: Boswell and Thompson, 80.
115. 「サイコパスにとってBeside his own person: See Oxford English Dictionar, 2nd ed.
115. およそ半世紀後Half a century later: Cleckley; 369.
116. こうした症状の最も純粋なPeople exhibiting: Millon et al., 124.
117. 「ベッドに入る前にWhen I went to bed: Schechter, 235.
117. 「するとまもなくPresently, Belknap said: 同上
118. 「ドアを開けるのは断わったI refused to open: 同上
118. 「屋上へ昇っていたらIf I'd gone: Boswell and Thompson, 80.
119. この窯を地下室にHe planned to install: Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895.
119. 窯炉製造会社のマネジャーThe manager of the furnace company: Franke, 94-95
120. 「十分な熱the necessary amount of heat: 同上, 94.
121. 「実際のところIn fact, he said: 同上
121. しかし、近所に住むある女性のThese clerks: Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 27, 1895.

嘆かわしい風景The Landscape of Regret
123. 東部の建築家たちがThe eastern architects left: Hunt to Olmsted, January 6, 1891, Olmsted Papers, Reel 58.
123. シカゴまであと約二時間Two hours before: Moore, McKim. 113; Chicago Tribune, January 11, 1891.
124. 「いつものようにIt was one: Moore, Burnham Interview, 3.
124. 「ほとんど絶望的なthey gazed: Burnham, Design, 24.
124. 「辺鄙でとっつきにくいremote and repulsive: Ingalls, 142.
124. 「見捨てられsandy waste: Bancroft, 46.
125. 「シカゴ周辺でIf a search had been made: A Report Upon the Landscape, 8, Olmsted Papers, Reel 41.
125. 「それはまさに流砂it became almost: Burnham and Millet, 45.
125. この後援の最大の欠点はThe park's gravest flaw: A Report Upon the Landscape, 7, Olmsted Papers, Reel 41.
125. 「落胆した気分とa feeling of discouragement: Burnham and Millet, 5.
126. 「本気で一八九三年までにDo you mean to say: Hines, 82; Moore, Burnham interview, 4;
126. 「オフィスに顔を出した彼はHe went down to the office: Monroe, Root. 259.
126. 「具合が悪そうにlooking ill: Starrett, 47.
127. 「瀕死の病人のようill almost unto death: Monroe, Poet's Life, 113.
127. 「十五日が過ぎればAfter the 15th: 同上, 260.
128. 「生牡蠣Oysters: Chicago Tribune. January 11, 1891.
129. 「紳士諸君Gentlemen,「 he said: Poole, 184; Moore, Burnham. Architect, 43.
129. 「あの夜、宴会場をThe men left: Burnham, Design. 26.
129. 「話しているうちにIn talking with them: Monroe, Root. 249; Monroe, Poet's Life. 113.

131. 町から町へAfter years spent: Chicago Tribune. July 21, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 22, 23, 27, 1895; Boswell and Thompson, 83-84; Franke, 98-101; Schechter, 39-4.
133. 「私はドアを閉めてI shut the door: Chicago Tribune. July 28, 1895.
134. 「不可解な理由によるa mysterious disappearances: Chicago Tribune, November 1, 1892.
134. ファニー・ムアFannie Moore: 同上
134. J・W・ハイリーマンJ. W. Highleyman left: 同上
134. シャイアンCheyenne: 同上

136. 「彼自身は、センチメンタルなHimself not especially: Sullivan, Louis, 288.
136. 「彼の甘言はどんどんIt soon became noticeable: 同上, 320.
137. 「さあ、さあHell, he snapped: 同上
137. 「バーナムは夢遊病のようなBurnham came out: 同上
137. 「おのずからにじみでるThe natural dominance: Baker, Hunt, 398.
138. 「機能が建物の形態をthe function created: Sullivan, Louis, 290.
138. 「どちらの設計事務所にもIn each firm: 同上, 288.
138. 「ジョン・ルートはとても自分にJohn Root was: 同上
139 「これまでさんざん病気とI haven't escaped sickness: Monroe, Root, 261.
139 「ミスター・ルートはMr. Root is quite low: Burnham to Boymgton, January 14, 1891, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, Vol. 1.
139 「けさは少しよい知らせがam able thts morning: Burnham to Boyington, January 15, 1891, 同上
140. 「もうどこにも行かないでYou won't leave me: Moore, Burnham interview, 5.
140. 「これが聞こえるかい?Do you hear that?: 同上
141. 「世界一の建築家にI have worked: Monroe, Poet's Life. 114.
141. 「誇りとする傑出したmost distinguished architect: Chicago Tribune. January 16, 1891.
141. 「博覧会の仕事をThere is no man: Chicago Tribune, January 17, 1891.
142. 「まったくナンセンスだIt's all nonsense: Chicago Tribune, January 25, 1891.
143. 「私のなかにはI was born: Philadelphia Inquirer, April 12, 1896.

第二部 激しい闘い

146. ハントは通風のためHis gout: Moore, Burnham interview, 6.
146. 「ほとんどささやくようalmost in whispers: The Organization, Design and Construcnon of the Fair, January 7, 1895, 56, Moore Papers.
147. 中心は八角形Its center was an octagon: Rand, McNall, 49-57.
147. 「これまで人間にはa panorama: Ibid 126.
148. 「このドームはまだI don't think I shall advocate: Moore, Burnham, Architect, 47 (In Moore, Burnham interview, 4, the phrasing is slightly different:「I do not think I will advocate that dome, I will probably modify the building.「)
148. 「入口を東向きのone grand entrance: Burnham to Sullivan, February 11, 1891, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, Vol. 1.
148. 「緊張がほとんどthe tension of feeling: Burnham and Millet, 29.
148. 「静かな情熱quiet intentness: The Organization, Design and Construction of the Fair, January 7, 1895, 56, Moore Papers.
148. 「次々と設計図がDrawing after drawing: Burnham and Millet, 29.
149. 「部屋は死んだようにThe room was still as death: Moore, Burnham, Architect, 47.
149. 「諸君、きみたちはYou are dreaming: The Organization, Design and Construction of the Fair, January 7, 1895, 58, Moore Papers.
149. 「こんな瞬間に立ち会えるI never expected: Different versions of St. Gaudens's remark appear in the literature. I've combined elements of two. See Burnham, Design, 39, and Hines, 90.
150. 「この博覧会にWe should try to make: Olmsted to Burnham, January 26, 1891, Olmsted Papers, Reel 41.
150. 「必要なのはWhat we shall want: 同上
150. 「つまりマレーシアのI mean such as Malay proas: 同上
152. 「神秘と詩情にあふれたmysterious poetic effect: Memorandum as to What is to be Aimed at in the Planting of the Lagoon District of the Chicago Exposition, Olmsted Papers, Reel 59.
152. 「さまざまなタイプのthrough the mingling intricately together: 同上
152. 「わざとらしくa display of flowers: 同上
152. 「ちょっとした目隠しto slightly screen: 同上
153. したがって全体としての効果はThe overall effect: 同上
153. 「われらがボスたちthat army our hundreds: Olmsted to Fred (most likely Federick J. Kingsbury, a friend), January 20, 1891, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
153. 「一八八九年のパリ万博をHow is it possible: Lewis, 172.
155. 「なんとかしなければWe must push this now: Chicago Tribune, February 20, 1891.
155. 「事実関係を調査Examination of the facts: Director of Works Report, October 24, 1892, Burnham Archives, Box 58, File 12.
155. 「ここではレンガはThere will not be a brick: Chicago Tribune, March 20, 1891.
156. ところがすっぽかされたAtwood stood him up: Moore, Burnham interview, 7.
156. 彼は阿片中毒だったHe was an opium addict: 同上
156. 「大至急RUSH: Chicago Tribune, May 16, 1891.
158. 「この獰猛なa family of twelve: Chicago Tribune, February 20, 1891.
158. 「反アメリカ的なThat un-American institution: Inland Architect and News Record, vol. 17, no. 5 (June 1891), 54.
157. サーカス興行師のP. T. Barnum died: Chicago Tribune, May 30, 1891.
158. 「当局はI think it quite necessary: Chicago Tribune. February 14, 1891.

159. 黒髪の美人Lovely, dark Gertrude: Chicago Tribune, July 26, 1895.
160. 「くよくよしないof an easy-going innocent: Chicago Tribune, July 21, 1895.
160. 「なかにはホームズとSome of my friends: Chicago Tribune. July 26, 1895.
160. そんなわけでホームズからHolmes proposed to sell: Chicago Tribune, July 21, 1895.
161. ホームズはネッドに保険をHolmes even wanted Ned: Chicago Tribune, July 26, 28, 1895.
163. 「いまだってほとんど別居Separation couldn't come: Chicago Tribune, July 26, 1895.
163. 二階の部屋を行ったり来たりHe heard her footsteps: 同上
163. 「あの建物を出たあとI told her after I Ieft: 同上
126. 夜になって一階の商店が閉まり: この部分は推測で構成したが、以下のものを参考にした。: ムーアズで、ホームズは真夜中によく歩きまわることで知られており、十分な睡眠が必要なタイプではなかったようだ。一般に、サイコパスは刺激を求める。窯には抵抗しがたい魅力があったのだろう。うっとりと眺め、高熱の炎を燃やすことで、彼は身のうちにパワーを感じ、館内の女性たちへの支配欲を高めたのかもしれない。

165. 「この忙しさがYou must not think: Burnham to Margaret, March 15, 1892, Burnham Archives, Family Correspondence, File 4.
166. 「森の島のAmong the trees: Burnham and Millet, 36.
166. 「ほとんど未知数practically an unknown: Inland Arcbitect and News Record, vol. 22, no. 1 (August 1893), 8.
167. 一・二メートル四方のThey laid a platform: 同上
169. エディソンは、この博覧会にはEdison suggested: Chicago Tribune, May 12, 13, 1891.
169. ゼネラル・エレクトリックはGeneral Electric offered: Baker, Life, 158-59.
170. 「あなたの縮尺図がWe are at a dead standstill: Burnham to Hunt, June 2, 1891, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, Vol. 2.
170. 「縮尺図が届かないThe delay you are causing us: Burnham to Hunt, June 6, 1891, 同上.
170. 休養中にオームステッドはHe ordered: "List of bedding plants to be ordered either in this country, or from Europe," July 13, 1891, Olmsted Papers, Reel 59.
171. 「晴れたときはIt was bad enough: Ulrich, 11.
172. 「どんな論議があってもHe is the arbiter: Chicago Tribune. May 14, 1891.
172. 「場違いincongruity: World's Fair, 851.
172. 「ベーカー会長はPresident Baker wants: Chicago Tribune, July 21, 1891.
173. C・F・リチェルC. F. Ritchel of Bridgeport: Chicago Tribune, October 12, 1889.
174. 「この塔およびトボガンAs the cost: McComber's tower idea: Chicago Tribune, November 2, 1889.
174. この技師によればThe engineer urged: Chicago Tribune, November 9, 1889.
174. 一八九一年八月In August 1891 : Chicago Tribune, August 5, 1891.
175. 技師たちは憤慨したThe engineers were outraged: Chicago Tribune, August 16, 1891.
177. 「大至急シカゴへHow soon Bloom, 117.
181. 「考えれば考えるほどThe more I thought: 同上
182. 「だが、私としてはI could not: Burnham to Dredge, November 18, 1891, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, vol. 4.
182 「今度は建物が必要以上にThe criticism now: Burnham to Dredge, November 24, 1891, 同上.
182. 「いまでいえばwas about as intelligent: Bloom, 119.
183. 「このインディアンのサーカスanxious to get: Sandweiss, 14.
183. 「きみはとても若いyou are a very young man: Bloom, 120.
184. 「どうか議会がI do hope: Allen to Palmer, October 21, 1891, Chicago Historical Society, World's Columbian Exhibition-Board of Lady Managers Archive, Folder 3.
184. 「女性館のためだと思ってWhen I think of the days: Weimann, 176.
184. 「この建物が'I think it would be better: 同上
185. 「過剰な刺激によってA severe breakdown: 同上,177.
186. 「どうやらコッドマンでさえI suspect that even Codman: Olmsted to Burnham, December 23, 1891, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
187. 十二月In December: Burnham, Final Offcial Report. 78.
188. 「デザインとプランに関してA few questions of design: Interim Report on Construction, To the Editor of the Chicago Herald, December 28, 1891, Burnham Archives, Box 58, File 9.
188. 「この博覧会が失敗かthe failure of the fair: Lewis, 175.

ホームズは、ジュリア・コナーとパールの殺害方法を具体的には明かさず、どのようにして二人を意のままにしたかも語っていない。しかし、あるとき、ジュリアは「違法な手術」、すなわち中絶手術で死んだといった。この章野殺人シーンはいくつかのソースから組み立てた。わかっている事実の断片(たとえば、彼が外科用の道具を2セットもっていたこと。武器としてクロロホルムを使うのが好きで、大量にもっていたことなど)。ホームズ伝説を調査した探偵や刑事の記録 (Schechter, Franke, and Boswell and Thompson);殺害後のホームズの発言;人格や動機、犯罪者のサイコパスの欲求などに関する心理学的な研究;クロロホルムを過剰摂取した場合の人間の反応についてのホームズ裁判における証言などである. コナー殺人事件とチャールズ・チャッペルによる解体作業については、ニュースに大きくとりあげられた. 以下にあげた史料のほかに Chicago Tribune. July 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 1895; New York Times. July 29, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 23, 27, 29, 30, 1895; Boswell and Thompson, 81-86; Franke, 98-101; Schechter, 39-44を見よ.
189. 一八九一年十一月In November 1891: Schechter, 43-44.
191. ジュリアはミセス・クロウとJulia and Mrs. Crowe: Chicago Tribune. July 29, 1895.
192. 濃い琥珀色のdark amber bottle: Merck's Manual, 28.
192. ジュリアが手をきつくShe gripped his hand: Trial, 166, 420-422.
193. クリスマスの朝On Christmas morning: Chicago Tribune, July 29, 1895.
195. 「あの紳士たちの行為はThe gentlemen were acting: Chicago Tribune, February 27, 1890. March 2, 1890の記事はわくわくさせるが、内容的には疑わしい。セントルイスのある男は生きたまま――たぶん昏睡状態で――埋葬されたあと、死体を求める医学生に掘りさだれた.学生はこの男にメスを入れたとたんに、まだ生きていることを発見し、あわててセントルイスの裁判所の前の階段に放置して逃げた。男は痛みで意識をとりもどし、腹部に覚えのない切り傷があるのを見つけたという。
195. 「ええ、私たちがあの一団をYes, the party: Chicago Tribune, March 24, 1890.
196. 「その死体は頭からThe body, he said: Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 29, 1895. この記事では、代金が $36 だったとも書かれている.
196. テーブルには皿がThey found dishes: Franke, 101.
197. 「最後に彼女を見たのはI Iast saw her: Mudgett, 33.

198. そのなかにはThe ranks included: Hines, 74-75.
198. 組合の新進リーダーA rising union man: Burnham to Geraldine, February 24, 1892, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, vol. 6.
199. 「正確さに欠けinaccurate or 'slouchy' work: Burnham to Cloyes, January 6, 1892, 同上, vol. 5.
199. 「私の見たところit seems to me: Burnham to Ulrich, January 6, 1892, 同上
199. 「いま抱えているYou will please dismiss: Burnham to Geraldine, January 6, 1892, 同上.
200. 「外には雇われなかったGuarded by sentries: Wyckoff, 248.
200. 「ホー、ボーイ!ho, boy: Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd ed., 278; Wyckoff, 11.
201. 「とても愛想がよくwas eminently engaging: Anderson, 53.
201. 「アメリカの建築家はthe architects of America: Untitled typescript, Ferris Papers, 1.
202. 「なるほど彼のいうことはcut to the quick: 同上
203. 羊専門の監督superintendent of sheep: Chicago Tribune, July 14, 1892.
203. 「いまや特別な内装とWe are now organizing: Burnham to Davis, November 12, 1891, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, vol. 4.
203. 「ことここにいたってI think it is pretty well understood: Chicago Tribune. January 5, 1892.
204 「たっぷり時間をかけたThe time was well spent Burnham to Margaret, March 15, 1892, Burnham Archives, Family Correspondence, Box 25, File 4.
204. 一八九二年三月末Late in March: Burnham to Margaret, March 31, 1892, 同上
206. 「ミスター・デーヴィスはMr. Davis has not been to see me: Chicago Tribune. April 9, 1892.
206. 委員たちはThe congressmen, Burnham wrote: Burnham to Margaret, March 31, 1892.
207. 「派手な宣伝spectacular advertising: Bloom, 120
207. 「面積だとかI could tell: 同上

以下の引用に加えて、この章では Chicago Tribune と Philadelphia Public Ledgerのシカゴ事件に関する記事を参考にした。また、 Boswell と Thompson, Franke, Schechterなどのより広範な記述も参照した.
H. Wayne Morgan's detailed historical essay on Leslie Enraught Keeley's alcohol-treatment empire, "'No, Thank You, I've Been to Dwight,"' in the lllinois Historical Journalからはこの療法が過去にどれほど流行したかがうかがえる.
See Chicago Tribune, July 26, 27, 29, 30, 31, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 27, 29, 31, 1895; Boswell and Thompson, 86-87; Franke, 102-105; Schechter, 48-51.
209.一八九二年の春 In the spring of 1 892: Schechter, 48.
209. 最も有名だったのが金Gold was the most famous: Morgan, 149.
209. シカゴ郵便局にとってthe Chicago post office: 同上, 159-160.
210. 「多くの欠点をhe was too valuable: Mudgett, 122.
210. おびただしい数の患者がThousands of people: Morgan, 157.
210. 「行列を作りpassing through the line: 同上, 154.
210. 「いや、けっこうNo, thank you: 同上, 158.
210. キーリーの注射でthe story Pitezel now told: Schechter, 48, 49.
211. 「お世辞たらたらのa flattering offer: Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895.
211. エメリンは二つ返事で Emeline accepted: 同上
211 「昨今、White pique hats: Chicago Tribune, August 7, 1895.
213. 「ホームズのことをしゃべったgot to talking: Chicago Tribune, July 28, 1895.
213.「波うつブロンドa handsome blonde: 同上
213.「やつは悪党だからI told her: 同上
213.「私が知るかぎりShe was one: Franke, 102.
214.「ほどなくIt was not long: 同上
214. ホームズが貴族の血を引くson of an English lord: Schechter, 49.
215.「彼女は感じのよいI was charmed: Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895.

217. 「その周辺にはAll over its surroundings: Ulrich, 19.
218. 「島の北の端Would you object: Burnham to Olmsted, November 20, 1891, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, vol. 4.
219. 「いくつかのテントa few tents, some horses: Burnham to Buchanan, December 19, 1891, 同上
219. 「日本の寺院をThey propose: Burnham to Olmsted, February 5, 1892, 同上
219 「不合理かつ不当unreasonable, unjust: Roper, 434.
220. 「彼が鬱に陥るとWhen Olmsted is blue: Rybczynski, Clearing, 247-48.
220. 「月日はThey had picked: Bloom, 122.
221. 「かなりのものa tolerable idea: Olmsted, 「Report by F. L. O.,「 April 1892, Olmsted Papers, Reel 41.
221. 「私にいわせればIt seemed to me: Olmsted to John, May 15, 1892, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
221. パリ万博の建物はThe Paris buildings: Olmsted, Report by F.L.O.
222. 「大変楽しいときをI am having: Rybczynski, Clearing, 391.
222. 「いまとなってはI can only conclude: Olmsted to Codman, May 25, 1892, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
222. ハリー・レイナーという医師A doctor. Henry Rayner: Roper, 439.
222. 「まるで監獄にいるようなYou know that I am: Olmsted to Codman, June 16, 1892, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
223. 「毎日別の道every day more or less: Olmsted to 「Partners,「 July 21, 1892, 同上
223. 「子供っぽく下品childish, vulgar. fiaunting: 同上
223. 「アメリカにはthere is nothing in America: Olmsted to Codman, July 30, 1892, 同上
223. 「最高のコンビネーションはThe finest combination: Olmsted to John, May 15, 1892, 同上
223. 「どこへ行ってもEverywhere the best ornamental grounds: Olmsted to John Olmsted, May 19, 1892, 同上, Reel 41.
223. 「橋の上にできるかぎりLet us as much as possible: Olmsted to 「Partners,「 July 17, 1892, 同上
223. 「これまで以上にI think more than ever: Olmsted to Codman, April 20, 1892, 同上
224. 「イギリスの労働者やThe standard of an English laborer: Olmsted to Codman, April 21, 1892, 同上, Reel 22.
224. 「いまや博覧会の頭上にThe only cloud: Olmsted to 「Partners,「 July 21, 1892, 同上
224. 「このままではI could see them: Bloom, 122.
225. 「どうかもっと礼儀正しくI suggest you be more civil: 同上
225. 「いまは仲間たちをAt present. he said: 同上
226. 「あまりに脆すぎるToo fragile: Barnes, 177.
226. 「この突風はThe wind: Chicago Tribune. April 28, 1892.
226. 「彼がジョン・ルートのlargely on account: Moore, Burnham interview, 8.
226. 「彼の才能はHis genius was betrayed: Monroe, Poet's Life, 103.
227. 「時間との競争だったのでI was urging: Hines, 101.
227. 「いや、そうじゃないI dont see it that way: Moore, Burnham interview, 8.
227. 「通常の鉛白とオイルordinary white lead: Millet, 708.
228. 「白漆喰団the Whitewash Gang: Hall, 213.
228. 「最大の注意を払ってwith the utmost vigor: Burnham to Geraldine, March (illegible) 1892, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, vol. 6.
228. 一八九二年五月七日土曜日の夕方On Saturday evening: McCarthy, 「Should We Drink,「 8-12; Chicago Tribune, March 1, May 8, 9, 13, 20, 1892; Burnham, Final Ofi;cial Report. 69-70.
230. 「変更する部分はYou had better write a letter: Moore, McKim. 120.
231. 6月一日水曜日On Wednesday, June 1 : Photograph, Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, June 1, 1892, Burnham Archives, Box 64, File 34.
231. 二週間後Two weeks later: Photograph, Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building, June 13, 1892, Burnham Archives, Oversize Portfolio 13.
231. 建設業者のThe contractor: Chicago Tribune, June 15, 1892.
232.「世界コロンビア博覧会の敷地内でI have assumed personal control: Burnham to Olmsted, September 14, 1892, Olmsted Papers, Reel 59.
232.「こんなものはI had no precedent: Anderson, 53.
233.「怪物monstrosity: Barnes, 177.
234.「旅に出たときよりI was more disabled: Rybczynski, Clearing; 391.
234.「神経痛と歯痛I am still tortured: Olmsted to John, October 11, 1892, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
235.「それどころかOf course the main work suffers: Olmsted to John, undated but received in Brookline, Mass., October 10, 1892, 同上
235. 落成式はアメリカ中が期待してThe dedication had been anticipated: Schlereth, 174.
236.「九万人がNinety thousand people: Wheeler, 846.
236.「ほとんど何もboth orators waving: Monroe, Poet's Life. 130.
182. その冬That winter she burned: 同上, 131.

238. 一八九二年十一月二十八日On November 28, 1892: Prendergast to Alfred Trude, Trude Papers; Chicago Record, December 15 and 16, 1893, in McGoorty Papers; Chicago Tribune, December 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 1893.
239. 「親愛なるトルーデ様My Dear Mr. Trude: Prendergast to Alfred Trude, Trude Papers.

241. 「シカゴ世界博覧会でI have on hand Ferris to Rice, December 12, 1892, Ferris Correspondence, Miscellaneous, Ferris Papers.
241. この輪っかにはthat this wheel: Anderson, 55; Miller 497

243. この贈り物はThe gift delighted: Franke, 102.
243. 「家族に会えるのがShe seemed delighted: 同上
244. 「私が思うにIt had seemed to me: 同上, 103.
244. あとになってわかったことLater there was speculation: Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895.
245. 「ああ、彼女はOh, she's gone away: Franke, 104.
245. 「これを見てくださいThis will tell you: 同上
245. 通知の文句はThe announcement read: 同上, 105.
246. 「そのとき結婚通知をSome days after going: Mudgett, 247; see also Mudgett, 246-249.
246. 「ミス・シグランドがどこかでOh, he is a fellow: Franke, 105.
247. 「洗練された女性lady of refinement: Chicago Tribune, July 28, 1895.
247. 「ミス・シグランドが姿を消したThe day after: Franke, 104.
248. しばらくしてSoon afterward: Chicago Tribune, July 31, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 31, 1895.
248. 「週にに二、三通はThis, said Dr. B. J. Cigrand: Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 27, 1895.
248. 「私に考えられるのはI had at last: Chicago Tribune, July 31, 1895.
248. フェルプスとはThat the name Phelps: Chicago Tribune, August 7, 1895.
249. 一八九三年1月二日That on January 2, 1893: Chicago Tribune, July 28, 1895.
249. その数週間後That a few weeks later: Schechter, 51.
249. 貯蔵室の内部はSomehow a footprint: Chicago Tribune, July 28, August 1, 1895.
249. 確信をもって説明できる者はTo explain the print's permanence: Chicago Tribune, August 1, 1895.

251. 「この時期にガードの仕事をThe winter of l892-3: Rice, 10, 12.
252. ジョージ・フェリスはダイナマイトでGeorge Ferris fought the cold: Anderson, 58; Untitled typescript, Ferris Papers, 4; regarding use of dynamite, see Ulrich, 24.
252. 「一つの工場でNo one shop: Untitled typescript Ferris Papers, 3; Anderson, 55, 57; Meehan, 30.
254. 付属品を含めてTogether with its fittings: Report of Classified and Comparative Weights of Material Furnished by Detroit Bridge & Iron Works for the 'Ferris Wheel,' Ferris Papers.
254. 「この大きな不幸にYou will have heard: Stevenson, 416.
255. 「どうやら、いまとなってはIt looks as if: Olmsted to John, February 17, 1893, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
255. 「広範な責任が付随するI have never before: Olmsted to Ulrich, March 3, 1893, 同上, Reel 41.
257. 「とうてい不可能だThis seems to be an impossibility: Bancroft, 67.

ホームズの動機については、20世紀にさかんに行なわれたサイコパスに関する心理学研究を参考にした。 ホームズの振る舞い――彼のぺてん、多重婚、きわだった魅力、善悪の区別への無関心、他人の弱さや無防備さを見つける不思議なほどの敏感さ――は、極端なサイコパスの姿に気味が悪いほどぴったりあてはまる。 (20世紀後半にはサイコパスという用語は捨てられ、 反社会的障害をあらわすのにソシオパス(社会病質人格)が使われるようになった。それでも、いまだに日常的にはサイコパスという言葉はよく用いられる.)
サイコパスについてとくにわかりやすい論は Dr. Hervey Cleckleyの先駆的著作、1976年刊の The Mask of Sanity を見よ。 198ページで彼はこう書いている。 "the astomshing power that nearly all psychopaths and part-psychopaths have to win and to bind forever the devotion of woman." Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th ed., 645-60も見よ; Wolman, 362-68; Millon et al., 全体に有用だが、とくに 155, Philippe Pinelによる、サイコパスの資質をもつ連続殺人犯についての記述が引用されている。 「彼らの犯罪は病的かもしれないが、彼らは医学的にも法的にも病気ではない。 むしろ、連続殺人犯は典型的に、 sociopathic personality をもち、自分の行動を導く内面の制御心――罪悪感や良心のとがめ――に欠けている。過剰な欲求につきうごかされ、他者をコントロールし、支配したがる。善悪の区別はわかっているし、罪深い行為をしているという自覚もある。だが、犠牲者に対してなんらやましさを感じない。sociopath は殺人を押し留める内的なモラルコードをもたない。愉快かどうかだけが問題なのだ」
さらに、Millon et al., at page 353, では、著者の一人が Paul という特定の患者について書いている。 この男は「無邪気で、受け身で、頼りない女性を見つけだす不思議な能力をもっている--進んで意のままになりたがり、食い物にされるのを待っているような女性たちをすぐに見分けるのだ」
ウィリアムズ姉妹の件でも同じく新聞記事、 Boswell and Thompson, Franke, and Schechterを参考にした。 Chicago Tribune, July 20, 21, 27, 31, August 4, 7, 1895; New York Times, July 31, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger. November 21, 23, 26, 1894, December 22, 1894, July 22, 24, 27, 29, 1895: Boswell and Thompson, 86-90; Franke, 106-109; Schechter, 58-63を見よ。
258. シルヴァー・アッシュ研究所Silver Ash Institute: Chicago Tribune, July 27, 1895.
258. 総勢七十五人というas many as seventy-five: Chicago Tribune, July 25, 1895.
258. トビー家具会社Tobey Furniture Company: Chicago Tribune. July 27, 1895.
258. フランスのポッター陶器会社French, Potter Crockery Company: 同上
259. マーチャント・アンド・カンパニーMerchant & Co.: Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895.
259. すぐ近くの師範学校At the nearby Normal School: Chicago Tribune, June 26, 1892.
260.「ベビーフェイスa baby face: Boswell and Thompson, 87.
261. ミシシッピ生まれのBorn in Mississippi: Minnie and Anna Williams'の背景についての詳細は, Chicago Tribune of July 31, 1895によった.
261. 一八八九年にはThrougbout 1889:Holmes がいつ、どのように Minnie を口説いたかは明らかではない。だが、彼が Boston に旅したときに彼女に目をつけ、何度も通って彼女の心をとらえたことは確かである。 The Chicago Tribune of July 29, 1895の記事は Minnieと Holmesの最初の出会いについて書いている. その他の詳細、たとえば Minnie がBostonへ発音講習に出かけたこと、その後の旅行のこと、劇団結成に失敗して $15,000 の損失をこうむったことなどについては Tribune of July 20を見よ。. See also Philadelphia Public Ledger, November 22, 1894, July 27, 29, 1895.
263.「この仕事にすぐれた手腕a remarkable aptitude: Mudgett, 45.
264. アンナは懐疑的だったAnna was skeptical: Schechter, 61.
264.「結婚通知のカードをI received her wedding cards: Chicago Tribune, July 28, 1895.
263. 一八九三年4月十八日She did so on: Chicago Tribune. July 27, 31, 1895.
266. まず、あらゆるものを売買する会社 He established: Philadelphia Public Ledger, November 21, 23, 1894.
266.「この書類を書けばHe induced me: Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 25, 1895.
267. 婚姻記録に二人の名はno record of their union: Philadelphia Public Ledger, November 26, 1894.

268. 「金はあふれんばかりmoney would be so plentiful: Kiler, 61.
271. 「大群衆がつめかけたTbe crowds poured in: Bloom, 135.
271. ブルームはしばらく考えBloom thought a moment: 同上, 135-36.
272. ブルームはこのメロディのBloom regretted: 同上, 135.
272. 「当地の社交界がit is not quantity: Dedmon, 223-24.
273. 「市長はワインをthe mayor will not frappe: 同上, 224.
273. 「ネズミ顔の間抜け野郎A Mouse Colored Ass: 同上
274. 「外部の人びとはOutside peoples already concede: Hines, 108.
274. 「リスの炙り焼きhow to broil: Hollingsworth, 155.
275. 「朝食のテーブルはThe breakfast table: 同上, 12.
275. 「黒い下着の場合If the article is black: 同上, 581.
275. 「水一〇に大してTake one part muriatic acid: 同上, 612.
275. 「熱のある患者とDon't sit between: 同上, 701.
275. 「煙草をパイプの柄でInjections of tobacco: 同上, 749.
276. 「自分のことは二の次とinterspersed, as one visitor put it: Miller, 420.
276. クラレンス・ダロウはClarence Darrow regularly: Tierney; 140.
276. 「いうなればYou ought to begin: Lewis 36.
277. 「あの女の子たちときたらWhat dreadful things: Tierney, 84.
278. 「友達はみなそれに気づいてHis friends all noticed it: Miller, 440.
278. 奇妙な癖さえHis quirks:Johnson, 81-88 Poole, 158, 160, 163, 169.
279. 「この街が生んだ最も非凡なthe most remarkable man: Miller, 438.
279. 「豚の解体業者としてはa most admirable pig: Abbot, 212.
281. 「親愛なるトルーデ様My Dear Mr. Trude: Prendergast to Trude, Daniel P. Trude Papers.

283. ホームズはミニーにHolmes suggested: Schechter, 6 1.
283. ミニーはアンナにシカゴの驚異Minnie planned to show:ここでは、シカゴを訪れたギルデッド・エイジの人びとが何に興味を引かれたかを考えた。Minnie がこのような刊行ツアーを計画しかたどうかは明らかではない。残念ながら、彼女は日記を残さなかった。

283. 「必死の努力anxious effort: Wheeler, 832.
284. これがメニューであるThe menu Program,Banquet to Damel Hudson Burnham, Burnham Archives, Box 59.
288. 「みなさんご承知のとおりEach of you knows: Moore, Burnham, Architect, 74.
289. 「全体のスケールはThe scale of the whole thing: Moore, McKim, 122.
289. 「このことではまったく心配していないI fear nothing: Burnham to Margaret, April 6, 1893, Burnham Archives, Family Correspondence, Box 25.
290. 「とても幸せな気分だI am very happy: Burnham to Margaret, April 10, 1893, 同上
290. 「なぜ毎日手紙を書いてWhy do you not write: Burnham to Margaret, April 13, 1893, 同上
290. 「世間はすでにThe public will regard: 同上
291. マーガレットからの手紙にはMargaret sent bim: Burnham to Margaret, April 18, 1893, 同上
291. 大洋の水先案内人PILOT OF THE OCEAN: Carter, 368.
292. ホテルのフロント係At the hotel's front desk: 同上, 374.
293. 「疲れたがようやくYou can imagine: Burnham to Margaret, April 10, 1893, Burnham Archives, Family Correspondence, Box 25.
293. 「ここでは誰もがEvery body here: Olmsted to John, April 13, 1893, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
294. 「ここまで遅延を招いたWe shall have to bear: Olmsted to John, April 15, 1893, 同上
294. 「この仕事をI am afraid: 同上
294. 「ウーリッチは故意にUlrich is unwittingly faithless: Olmsted to John, May 3, 1893, 同上
295. 「われわれに残された時間はI suppose that our time is out: 同上
295. 「ものすごい土埃frightful dust: Olmsted to John, April 13, 1893, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
295. 「膿をもった歯がwith sore throat: Olmsted to John, April 23, 1893, 同上
296. 「膨大な数のA Iarger force is employed: 同上
296. 奇妙なことにThe odd thing was: Chicago Record, December 16, 1893, in McGoorty Papers.
297. 「雨が降っているIt rains: Burnham to Margaret, April 18, 1893, Burnham Archives, Family Correspondence, Box 25.
297. 「昨夜はLast night turned out: Burnham to Margaret, April 20, 1893, 同上
298. 「天気は大荒れThe weather is very bad: 同上
299. 「前にも書いたがI wrote you: Olmsted to unidentified recipient (stamped as received and read by his firm), April 27, 1893, Olmsted Papers, Reel 22.
299. 「潰瘍は小さくMy ulcer has shrunk: 同上
300. 「まったく気に入らないI don't like it at all: 同上
300. 「掘っ立て小屋のThe diet of the provisional mess: 同上
300. 「風邪を引きI took cold: Olmsted to unidentified recipient, April 28, 1893, 同上
300. 「この大雨のさなかIt is queer: 同上
301. 「どこを見てもIt does not look ready: 同上
301. 「的外れな非難をI get wind: 同上
302. 「まるで未完成gross incompleteness: Miller, 231.the Worldis Fair Hotel: Schechter, 56.

第三部 ホワイトシティ

306.二十三台の黒光りする Twenty-three gleaming: For details of the Opening Day procession: Badger, xi, xii; Burg, 111; Chicago Tribune, May 2, 1893; Miller, 490; Muccigrosso, 78-80; Weimann, 141-46; The World's Fair, 13-16, 253-63.
306. バーナムとデーヴィスはBurnham and Davis: The World's Fair. 254.
307. 太陽が顔を出したthe sun emerged: 同上
307. この農場ではダチョウの卵のThe farm offered omelets: Bloom, 137.
307. ブルームの合図でBloom gave a nod: The World's Fair. 255.
308. 「博覧会がいざオープンWhen the fair opened: Starrett, 50.
308. 二十人の女性がTwenty women fainted: Burg, 111.
309. たまたま最前列にいたReporters lucky enough: 同上, 23.
309. 「ピンタ号のマストのThen from the Pinta's foretop: The World's Fair. 257-58.
309. 次にデーヴィス総裁がDirector-General Davis spoke: 同上, 259.
309. かたわらにはNearby stood a table: Weimann, 241.
310. 大きな白い帽子をかぶりA tall man: Miller, 490.
310. 「これに触れるとAs by a touch: Badger, xii.
310. 正確な時刻はAt precisely 12:08: Chicago Tribune, May 2, 1893.
311. 一瞬後、ジェーン・アダムズはJane Addams realized: Badger, xi; Miller, 490.
312. 「咲きほこったバラのThe scene burst on me: Frank Collier to Burnham, May 1, 1893, Burnham Archives, Box 1. File 13.
312. 博覧会の公式記録The official history: For crowd estimates, see Badger, xii; Dedmon, 226; Weimann, 242.
312. 五月二日火曜日On Tuesday, May 2: Weimann, 556.
312. 五月五日金曜日の夜【原文の木曜はミスか?】On the night of Thursday: Chicago Tribune, May 5, 1893.
312. 続いてシカゴのケミカル・ナショナルNext Chicago's Chemical National Bank: Chicago Tribune, May 9, 1893.
312. 三日後Three days later: Chicago Tribune, May 19, 1893.
312. ブランズウィックではIn Brunswick, Georgia: 同上
313. ネブラスカ州リンカンのIn Lincoln, Nebraska: 同上
313. オームステッドはクルップ館Olmsted had yet to complete: Ulrich, 46-48.
314. ゼネラル・エレクトリックだけでもGeneral Electric alone: Chicago Tribune, May 3, 1893.
314. 「体調はまあまあI remain fairly well: Olmsted to John, May 15, 1893. Olmsted Papers. Reel 22.
242. 六月五日、不安になったOn June 5 worried depositors: Bogart and Mathews, 395.

316. ホームズのワールズフェア・ホテルに泊り客がThe first guests began arriving: Boswell と Thompson によれば、毎晩「城」の2階と3階は満室になったという. Holmes は渋々ながら男性客も何人かは泊めたが, おもに女性客を歓迎した――それも、なるべく若くて美人で、家がシカゴから遠く、戻らなかったときにすぐ調べに来るような人間がそばにいないほうが好ましかった. 家に帰らなかった者は大勢いた. それどころか、いったんこの城に足を踏み入れたら、二度と出ていかなかった女性も多かった (87). Frankeはこう書いている。ホームズが彼の「ホテル」を世界博覧会の見物に適していると宣伝したかどうかはわからない。50人以上もの人びとが、行方不明者の足取りがこのホテルで終わっていて、そこから先、足跡が消えていると警察に訴えていた (109). Schechter: 1893年の5月から10月までに、ホームズが何人の見物客を城におびきよせたか、正確な数は誰にもわからない。しかし、その間ホテルがほとんど満室状態だったことは確かである (56).
316. ホームズは新聞の広告欄でHe found a place: Chicago Tribune, July 21, 1895.
317. このアパートの広告がThey first advertised: 同上
317. ホームズは部屋を見るためにHolmes went alone: 同上
317. ホームズはミニーにHolmes explained the move: Holmes が Minnie をできるだけホテルから遠ざけようとしたことは明らかである。彼が選んだアパートは North Sideだった。彼がミニーになんと説明したかは、ありそうな状況を想像によって構成した。
318. ホームズとミニーは一八九三年六月一日にHolmes and Minnie moved: Chicago Tribune. July 21, 1895.
318. 「妻を心からseemed to be very attentive: 同上
319. 体からときたまぷんとThat he often smelled: ホームズのビルで働いていた理髪師は、どこからか「変な」臭いがしたといっている。 Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895. Tribune, July 28, 1895,では、刑事がこういっている。ホームズの城はいつも悪臭がするという評判を耳にしていた。

320. 「近く市制顧問にI am a candidate: Chicago Record, December 16, 1893, McGoorty Papers.

321. だが実際に捨てられた子供はOnly one child: Weimann, 352. 博覧会の保育所について、詳細は Weimann, 254-333, 349-52を見よ.
321. さまざまなパビリオンにはWithin the fair's buildings: Burg, 206; Gladwell, 95; Miller, 494; Muccigrosso, 93, 163; Schlereth, 174, 220; Shaw; 28, 42, 49.
322. 博覧会のガイドとしてA popular guide: Burg, 199.
322. 「恐怖を呼び起こすa fearful hideous thing: Taylor, 9.
323. 「その場の誰もがEvery one about us: 同上, 7.
323. 「横のほうにShe takes a few: 同上, 22-23.
323. 「わが祖国My Country 'Tis of Thee: 同上, 23.
323. 「教皇がいるのはIn which building: Dean, 335.
324. 両脚をなくしてOne male visitor: 同上, 378.
325. 博覧会が開催されていた半年間Over the six months: Muccigrosso, 150; The World's Fair. 851.
323. コーディが博覧会をしのぐOften Cody upstaged: Carter, 372-73; Downey; 168-69
327. 「景観全体で驚くほどA strikingly noticeable change: Chicago Tribune, June 2, 1893.
328. 「人間の手になるものNo other scene: Pierce, As Others See Chicago, 352.
328. 「美の尽きない夢an mexhaustlble dream: Masters, 7.
329. 「われわれが招いた客we insisted on sending: Untitled manuscript beginning: To him who has taken part, Burnham Archives, Box 59, File 37.
329. 「昨夕のラグーンでのひとときはOur hour on the lagoon: Dora Root to Burnham, undated, Burnham Archives, Box 3, File 63.
330. この博覧会場ではシカゴ市全域のThe fair alone: Hines, 117.
330. 「日が暮れるとAs the light was fading: Polacheck, 40.
331. 「昼飯のあとのunspeakable debris: Ingalls, 141.
331. 「この博覧会にとって、夜はNight, Ingalls wrote: 同上
331. 「初めて博覧会を見た人びとIt was a common remark: Schuyler, 574.

333. こうして、それは始まったAnd so it began: Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895, August 1, 1895. In the Tribune, July 26, 1895, Chicago's police chief states, "このホームズという男がいったい何人を手にかけたかは誰にもわからない」 . Philadelphia Inquirer, April 12, 1896を見よ.
333. 化学薬品の臭いchemical odors: Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895.
333. 家族や友人たちからのThere were inquiries: Philadelphia Public Ledger, November 21, 1894, July 22, 1895; Franke, 106; Schechter, 233. Also see Eckert, 209-10: Eckert quotes a letter from Julia Conner's mother, dated December 22, 1892. Eckert's book, The Scarlet Mansion, is a novel; the letter, Eckert told me in e-mail correspondence, is real.
334. ホームズは自分の手を汚そうとHolmes did not kill face to face: Chicago Tribune, July 28, 1895, では Chicago のある巡査がこう語っている。 「ホームズは斧のような野蛮な武器で犠牲者をぶった切ったりはしなかったはずだ。きっと犠牲者が眠っている暗い部屋にそっと忍びこんで,ガスの栓をひねったにちがいない.
334. 友人にして才能ある接合師The subsequent articulation: 「接合師」 Charles Chappellの仕事については Chicago Tribune, July 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 1895; New York Times, July 29, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 23, 27, 29, 30, 1895; Boswell and Thompson, 81-86; Franke, 98-101; and Schechter, 39-44を見よ.
334. たいていは、楽しんだあとのHe disposed of other: Chicago Tribune, July 20, 23, 24, 25, 26, August 18, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 1895.

335. リムは空中The rim arced: The Ferris Wheel had a diameter of 250 feet but a maximum height of 264 feet because of the necessary gap between the bottom of the wheel and the ground. The Masonic Temple was 302 feet tall, but that height included a cavernous roof that rose high above the building's last rentable floor.
335. 「機械工学にうといIt is impossible: Hawthorne, 569.
336. 「エンジンは蒸気を受けてEngines have steam: Rice to Ferris, June 8, 1893, Ferris Papers, Ferris Correspondence: Miscellaneous.
336. 「声が出るかどうかI did not trust myself to speak: Anderson, 58.
337 「そのとき、ものすごい音がしてSuddenly I was aroused: 同上
338. ホイールが回りはじめるとAs the wheel began to turn: 同上, 60.
338. 「ゴンドラはまだNo carriages were as yet placed: 同上
338. 「喜びの声をI could have yelled out: 同上
338. 「最後の結合とThe last coupling: Rice to Ferris, June 9, 1 893, Ferris Papers, Ferris Correspondence: Miscellaneous.
338. 「きみの電報によればyour telegram stating: Ferris to Rice, June 10, 1893, Ferris Papers, Ferris Correspondence: Miscellaneous.
339. 「威厳がありrather handsome: Weimann, 560.
340. 「私について書いてあるNothing could be more entertaining: 同上
340. 「たとえこのような進歩がI realize with some bitterness: 同上, 262.
341. 玉座までしつらえてIn preparation: Weimann, 560.
341. なんでこの私がShe declared: 同上
341.「皇女にあらせられてはHer Highness: Quoted in Wilson, 264.
342.「シカゴを去るのはI am going to leave: 同上, 267.
342.「共和主義者にとってRoyalty at best: 同上, 269.

343. いつのまにかアンナはWithout even thinking: Chicago Tribune, July 20, 1895.
343. まず初めに、ミニーとハリーはFirst Minnie and Harry: Despite the stench and pools of blood, the Union Stock Yards were Chicago's single most compelling attraction for visitors, and tour guides did indeed lead men and women into the heart of the operation. It seems likely that Holmes would have brought Minnie and Nannie there, partly because of the yards' status, partly because he would have derived a certain satisfaction from subjecting the women to its horrors. In The Jungle Upton Sinclair wrote, It was too much for some of the visitors--the men would look at each other, Iaughing nervously, and the women would stand with hands clenched and the blood rushing to their faces, and the tears starting in their eyes (35). For details on the stockyards and the operation of the overhead hog-butchering line, see Sinclair, especially 34-38; all of Jablonsky; and all of Wade. Wade notes that in the year of the fair more than one million people visited the stockyards (xiv). Rudyard Kipling, in his essay Chicago writes, Turning a corner, and not noting an overhead arrangement of greased rail, wheel and pulley; I ran into the arms of four eviscerated carcasses, all pure white and of a human aspect, pushed by a man clad in vehement red (341-44, especially 342).
344. それから三人は博覧会をThe great fair: I've presented one likely path, based on guidebooks from the era, maps of the fairgrounds, and reports that described the features that exposition visitors found most attractive. For details of fair exhibits, see Flinn, 96-99, 104, 113-14; Rand McNally, 34-36, 71, 119-20, 126.
345. シャンデリアの下にはBelow the chandeliers: Rand. McNally, 119-20.
346. ミニーとアンナはMinnie and Nannie rapidly grew tired: Tours of the Manufactures and Liberal Arts Building were said to be exhausting. One common maxim of the day held that a boy entering the building at one end would emerge from the other as an old man. Rand, McNally & Co's. Handbook to the World's Columbian Exposition observes, The standing army of Russia could be mobilized under its roof (116).
347. 「ヨーロッパにいる男がA man in Europe talks: Flinn, 71.
348. ムーア人の宮殿the Moorish Palace: Flinn, 25; Gilbert, 114.
348. 入場チケットでさえEven the concession tickets: For a collection of the actual tickets see Burnham Archives, Oversize Portfolio 4, Sheets 16 and 17.
348. 息子のハワードにお土産を買ったHe bought a souvenir: Geyer, 300.

349. 六月十一日日曜日の夕方By Sunday evening: Anderson, 60.
349. 「いざ乗りこむときI did not enter: 同上
350. 「ゴンドラが動くのはOwing to our car: 同上
350. ゴンドラは少し上昇したThe car traveled: 同上
350. グロノーが最初に抱いたのはGronau's first reaction: 同上
351. 「……まるで周囲のすべてが...it seemed as if: 同上, 62.
351. 「下降していくゴンドラIt was a most beautiful sight: 同上
352. 「これは効果があったThis, Gronau said: 同上
352. 「愛する人にGod bless you: Untitled typescript, Ferris Papers, 6.
352. 「今日はさらにSix more cars: Rice to Ferris, June 12, 1893, Ferris Papers, Ferris Correspondence: Miscellaneous.
352. 「バーナムであれBurnham nor anyone: Ferris to Rice, June 14, 1893, 同上
353. 「一般公開の日時をUnwise to open: Robert W. Hunt to Ferris, June 17, 1893, 同上
353. 「理事会がIf the directors: Ferris to Rice, June 17, 1893, 同上
354. 「ちょうど日が落ちたころIt was about sundown: Chicago Tribune. June 15, 1893.

355. 十六の州にまたがる旅He traveled through: Olmsted to Burnham, June 20, 1893, Olmsted Papers, Reel 41.
355. 「いたるところでEverywhere there is: 同上
360. 六月十七日On June 17: Chicago Tribune, July 11,19, 1893.
360. 「あの建物はThat building gives us: Chicago Tribune, July 11, 1893.

361. 一八九三年六月二十一日At three-thirty P.M.: Anderson, 62; Barnes, 180.
361. 「頭の変な連中がNo crank will have: Alleghenian, July 1, 1893.
361. 「頭のなかに輪っかがwheels in his head: Untitled typescript, Ferris Papers, 6.
362. 「ああゆる障害をBuilt in the face: 「The Ferris Wheel Souvenir,「 Ferris Papers, 1.
363. 「率直にいってIn truth, it seems too light: Alleghenian, July 1, 1893.

364. 六月の終わりごろBy the end of June: Chicago Tribune, August 1, 1893.
364. ルーフ・ガーデン・カフェThe Roof Garden Cafe: Weimann, 267.
364. ミセス・ルシール。ロドニーMrs. Lucille Rodney: Badger, 162.
365. 「もはやここをCall it no more: Besant, 533.
365. これができなかったためにThe failure of this: Olmsted, Landscape Architecture.
366. 六か月の会期のIn the six months: Rice, 85.
366. 公式の報告書In his official report: 同上, Appendix I, 2.
366. 博覧会の会期中Over the life of the fair: Burnham, Final Official Report. 77-80.
367. 「半分田舎者でhalf-boor, half-tightwad: Dedmon, 232; May, 334-35, 340-41.
368. フランク・ヘイヴン・ホールFrank Haven Hall: Hendrickson, 282.
369. 「そのほうがずっとhe would learn far more: Weimann, 566.
369. この話を聞いたコーディはWhen Cody learned of it: Badger, 163-64; Weimann, 565-66.
369. 「少女のようにas enthusiastic as a girl: Weimann, 566.
370. 悲劇もあったThere was tragedy: Chicago Tribune, June 27, 1893.
370. 七月三日からのIn the week beginning: Ferris Wheel, Statement of Business by the Week, Ferris Papers.
371. 「取材能力がshort on news: Untitled typescript, Ferris Papers, 7.
371. フェリットはパニック状態でWherritt staggered: Anderson, 66.
372. 「父はまるでHe seemed to take: Polacheck, 40.
373. 「いまの状況はExisting conditions: Inland Architect and News Record, vol. 22, no. 2 (September 1893), 24.
373. 六月、シカゴのIn June two businessmen: Chicago Tribune, June 4, 1893.
373. 「誰もが突発的にEveryone is in a blue fit: Steeples and Whitten, 1.
373. 「このワンダーランドがWhat shall we do: Muccigrosso, 183.
373. 「なにもかもがeverything will seem small: Weimann, 577.

374. 「美しい湖岸のFor half a mile: Chicago Tribune, July 5, 1895.
374. 一人の男がOne man began singing: 同上
375. 赤いライトがRed lights glowed: 同上
375. 「ホーム・スイート・ホームHome Sweet Home: 同上
375. だが夜の九時At nine o'clock: For details about the night's fireworks displays see Chicago Tribune, July 5, 1895; Burg, 43; Gilbert, 40.
376. その夜、ライトウッドThat night the Oker family: Franke, 108.
376 「ミニー姉さんとハリー兄さんSister, brother Harry and myself: Boswell and Thompson, 88. This letter is quoted also in Franke, 106, and Schechter, 62.
377. 「アンナには自分の財産がAnna had no property: Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895.
377. ホームズがアンナ――一人だけHolmes had announced: Schechter proposes the scenario wherein Holmes invites Anna, alone, to accompany him on a tour of the hotel. It seems likely. Another possibility is that Holmes asked for Anna's help with some last-minute clerical work at his office and recommended that Minnie stay behind in the apartment to handle final preparations for their mutual journey Certainly Holmes would have wanted to separate the women, for he was not physically strong. His power lay in persuasion and cunning. Schechter, 62.

378. その夜遅く、博覧会場ではAt tbe fairgrounds: See daily attendance statistics in Chicago Tribune. August 1, 1893.
378. ところがその翌日But the next day: 同上
378. 博覧会の会計監査 The fair's auditor: Chicago Tribune. August 16, 1893.
378. 銀行家たちは博覧会協会のThe bankers were pressuring: Chicago Tribune, August 2, 3, 1893.
378. 計算によればEstimates held: Chicago Tribune, August 1, 1893.

Police speculated that Holmes killed Nannie and Minnie Williams in his vault. Schechter proposes this scenario: 「As they got ready to leave, Holmes paused abruptly, as though struck by a sudden realization. He needed to fetch something from his vault, he explained-an important business document that he kept stored inside a safe-deposit box. It would only take a moment.
「Grasping Nannie by the hand, he led her toward the vault「 (62).
Something like this must have occurred, although I think my proposal that Holmes sent her into the vault on a false errand, then followed her and shut the door, would have suited more closely his temperament. He was a killer but a cowardly one. See note above from p. 292.
That Holmes killed the women on July 5 is supported by a March 14, 189S, Ietter from an attorney; E. T. Johnson, who had been dispatched to hunt for the missing women. He states they left the Wrightwood house 「about July 5, 1893, and none of us have ever heard from them any more「 (Chicago Tribune. July 21, 1895). Taken together, this letter and Anna's happy letter to her aunt written on the evening of July 4, cited above from page 292, provide evidence that the
murders did indeed occur on July 5.
383. 二日後のTwo days later: Franke, 108.
383. 「どうして出ていったのかI do not know how: Chicago Tribune, July 21, 1895.
383. 同じく七月七日Also on July 7: The Chicago Tribune of July 20, 1 895, identifies the express company as Wells-Fargo. The Philadelphia Public Ledger of November 23, 1894, states that the trunk was shipped from Midlothian, Texas, on July 7, 1893.
383. トランクの送り先はThe trunk was addressed: Chicago Tribune, July 20, 1 895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, November 23, 1894.
383. ウェルス・ファーゴノ配達人はA Wells-Fargo drayman tried: 同上
384. 「取りにくるのはI want you to come: Chicago Tribune, July 28, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 29, 1895.
384. 「気味の悪い部屋It was an awful looking place: Chicago Tribune. July 28, 1 895; Philadelphia Public Ledgeer, July 29, 1895.
384. 「立てないでDon't do that: Chicago Tribune, July 28, 1895; Philadelphia Public Ledger. July 29, 1895.
385.妻のキャリーに He gave Pitezel's wife: Chicago Tribune. August 1, 1895.
383. ホームズは管理人のHolmes also surprised: 同上

386. シカゴと名づけられたこの気球The balloon: Chicago Tribune, July 10, 1893.
387. 黒い雲はいまやThe sky seemed to reach: 同上
387. 農業館の屋根In the Agriculture Building: 同上
388. 「二人がかりでIt took the combined effort: Anderson, 66.
388. 「この嵐の到来をI got some pleasure: Chicago Tribune, July 10, 1893.
389. 木製のタワーThe tower: Chicago Tribune, July 11, 12, 1893.
389. 消防団に最初の警報The frst alarm: Burnham, Final Official Report, 61, 74; Chicago Tribune, July 11, 1893; Graphic, July 15, 1893, Chicago Historical Society; Synoptical Histor, 74-77.
390 「かくも大勢のNever, the Fire Department reported: Synoptical History, 75.
390. 「煙突の周囲のas though the gaseous: Burnham, Final Offcial Report, 61.
390. 「どうやらチャンスはI saw there was: Chicago Tribune, July 11, 1893.
391. 審問会にはDaniel Burnham testified: Chicago Tribune, July 12, 1893
392. 七月十八日火曜日On Tuesday, July 18: Chicago Tribune, July 19, 1893.
392. 「今回の人身事故The attempt to hold you: Geraldine to Burnham, July 19, 1893, Burnham Archives, Business Correspondence, Box 1, File 32.
392. 空気中にWith the stink: Chicago Tribune, July 14, 1893.
393. 悪いことは重なるものでAs if things: Chicago Tribune, August 3, 1893.
304. 「博覧会の建設no expenditures whatever: 同上

394. この24人の教師たちThe twenty-four teachers: Dreiser, Journalism, 121.
394. 「すばらしい無邪気さとan intense something: Lingeman, 118.
395. ドライサーはフェリス・ホイールにDreiser followed the ladies: For details about the teachers' visit to the fair, see Dreiser, Journalism, 121-38.
395. 「おセンチなsentimental: Lingeman, 121.
395. 「夢の世界にinto a dream: 同上, 119.
396. 「いますぐ結婚するなんてIf you marry now: 同上, 122.
396. 結婚式をあげたいというカップルCouples asked permission: Untitled typescript, Ferris Papers, 9.
396. ジョージアナ・ヨークGeorgiana Yoke: Trial. 364.
397. 彼は一人ぼっちHe was so alone: 同上, 436.
397. 「真珠のはまった小さなハートa little heart: 同上, 364.
397. だが彼は一つだけ注意をHe cautioned, however: 同上, 436.
397. 市長のハリソンもMayor Harrison too: Abbot, 233; Chicago Tribune, August 24, 1893; Muccigrosso, 181.

399. 「ひとことでいってcan only be characterized: Chicago Tribune, August 3, 1893.
400. 「理事会がIf the directory had seen fit: Chicago Tribune, August 2, 1893.
400. 「東部の有力日刊紙Hundreds of newspapers: Chicago Tribune, August 13, 1893.
401. 「ラグーンと池にWe want to do something: Chicago Tribune, August 9, 1893.
401. ミレーはミッドウェイの住民をMillet also organized: Chicago Tribune, August 12, 1893.
402. 「良識あるご婦人がたのWhether the apprehensions: Chicago Tribune, August 11, 1893.
403. この舞踏会をさらにFurther enriching the affair: Chicago Tribune, August 17, 1893; Downey, 168.
403. 「シカゴは博覧会をChicago built the fair: Chicago Tribune, August 16, 1893.
404. その夜、九時十五分At nine-fifteen that night: Chicago Tribune, August 17, 1893.
404. 部屋は暑かったIt was hot: 同上
405. 「半裸の体をおおうnative costume of bank: 同上
405. 公式メニューThe official menu: 同上
407. 入場者は増えていったAttendance rose: Chicago Tribune, October 10, 1893.
407. 「議会が金をIf Congress does not give: Chicago Tribune, August 9, 1893.
407. 「この国の裕福な人びとがWhy should the wealth: Chicago Tribune, August 31, 1893.

409. 十月第一週のある日の午後One afternoon: Chicago Record, December 16, 1893, McGoorty Papers.
410. 「いえ。べつに急いではいませんNo, Prendergast said: 同上

411. 一八九三年十月九日By ten o'clock: Dybwad and Bliss, 38-4O.
412. 「パリの記録をThe Paris record: 同上, 38.
412. 「これはきっと百万人There must be a million: 同上, 39.
412. 花火はThe fireworks: 同上, 64-68.
413. その日だけでIn that single day: Chicago Tribune, October 10, 1893.
413. 『トリビューン』によればThe Tribune argued: 同上
413. だが、最高の朗報はBut the best news: Badger, 109.

415. 「あなたも知ってのとおりYou know my dislike: Moore, McKim, 127.
416. 「むしろ関係者の願いはindeed it is the ambition: 同上, 126.
416. 「少しずつ壊れbetter to have it vanish: Boyesen, 186.
416. 「きみのもとへは行けないがI can't come to you: Stevenson, 415.
417. 一九八三年には、たった二軒のFor all of 1893: Crook, 102.
417. 「産業界の動きがNever before: Bogart and Mathews, 398.
418. 債権者や家族達たちの圧力がThe pressure: Philadelphia Public Ledger, November 21, 1894.
418. そこでまずお城のFirst he set fire: Philadelphia Public Ledger, November 23, 1894; Boswell and Thompson, 89; Franke, 41; Schechter, 64-65.
418. そこで保険会社にHe advised the insurers: 同上
418. ミニー・ウィリアムズの後見人はThe guardians of Minnie: Philadelphia Public Ledger, November 21, 1894; July 27, 1895; Franke, 106.
419. 一八九三年秋In the fall of 1893: Philadelphia Inquirer, May 8, 1896.
421. ホームズは逃げたHolmes fled: 同上
421. その直後Soon afterward Holmes set out: Geyer, 346; Trial, 302, 608; Franke, 213.
421. シカゴを発つ直前Just before leaving: Geyer, 346; Trial. 210.

422. 十月に入るとThroughout October: Chicago Tribune, October 29, 1893.
422. 二万人Twenty thousand people: Ferris Wheel, Statement of Business by the Week, Ferris Papers.
423. 「警戒して見つめpeer cautrously Chicago Tribune, October 25, 1893
423. 「これを見てください!Look at it now: Abbot, 228.
424. アメリカ都市の日の午後二時At two o'clock: Chicago Tribune, October 29, 1893.
424. 三時At three o'clock: Chicago Tribune, December 20, 1893.
425. 夕食の途中In the midst of supper: Chicago Times, December 14, 1 893, McGoorty Papers.
426. 「音が聞こえたのはIt must have been: 同上
427. 二人はいいあらそったThey argued: Chicago Record, December 15, 1893, and Chicago Daily News, October 23,
1943, McGoorty Papers.
427. 「逮捕してくださいLock me up: Chicago Record, December 15, 1893, McGoorty Papers.
428. 「われわれは文明のWe are turning our backs: Chicago Tribune, October 31, 1893.
428. 四時四十五分At exactly four-forty-five: 同上
428. 六百台の馬車がThe six hundred carriages: Chicago Tribune, November 2, 1893; Miller, 101.
429. ハリソンは合唱団がうたってHarrison had heard them: Chicago Tribune, November 2, 1893.
430. 「生まれてこのかたThe good-by: Dean, 418.
430. 「星空のもとBeneath the stars: Pierce, As Others See Chicago, 357.

431. 「世界博覧会のあとThe poor bad come: Herrick, 135.
431. 「なんという惨状What a spectacle!: Gilbert, 211.
431. そのなかには煤にOne shows: Hales 47
432. 「わびしいものだIt is desolation: Dean, 424.
432. ジョージ・プルマンはGeorge Pullman continued: Wish, 290.
432. 「過去のどんな事件よりもmore threatening: Papke, 29.
433. 一八九四年七月五日On July 5, 1894: Gilbert, 210; Miller, 550.
433. 「後悔はないThere was no regret: Miller, 550.
433. 「博覧会を見にシカゴへThere are hundreds: Quoted in Chicago Tribune, August 18, 1895.

第四部 露見する犯罪

436. フランク・ガイア刑事Detective Frank Geyer: For details about Geyer, I relied heavily on his book, The Holmes-Pitezel Case, a detailed, dispassionate, and above all accurate account of the murder of Benjamin Pitezel, and Geyer's search for Benjamin Pitezel's children. Salted throughout are copies of letters written by the children and excerpts of other valuable documents, such as interrogations and confessions. I found additional material about Geyer at the Free Library of Philadelphia in annual reports from the city's superintendent of police included in the 「Annual Message「 of the city's mayor. (See City of Philadelphia, below.) These reports contain valuable bits of information, for example, the fact that for routine detective work Geyer was paired with another top detective, Thomas G. Crawford, the man who escorted Holmes to Philadelphia from Boston. On that trip Holmes asked permission to hypnotize Crawford. The detective refused. Holmes asked again, this time offering to pay $500 for the privilege-a thinly veiled bribe. Geyer and Crawford consistently ranked first or second among the city's two-man teams of detectives for the dollar value of stolen goods they recovered.
I also mined details from The Trial of Herman W Mudgett Alias H. H. Holmes, a word-for-word transcript of the trial, with closing arguments and the appellate court's opinion. See also Franke, 61-81 and Schechter, 195-205.
340.Geyer's assignment: Geyer, 158-61, 171-74.
340.Graham had tbought twice: Schechter states, 「In March 1895 a fire had consumed Geyer's home, killing his beloved wife, Martha, and their only child, a blossoming twelve-year-old girl name Esther「 (202).
437.「ホームズは嘘をでっちあげるHolmes is greatly given: Geyer, 54.
438. ホームズはベンジャミン・ピツェルに似たHolmes claimed: 同上, 53-57. The first half of Geyer's book (13-172) provides a richly detailed portrait of the insurance fraud and the murder of Benjamin Pitezel. For still more detail, see The Trial.
438. 検死官はThe coroner: Geyer, 33-4O.
439.「私が見たものをI wish you could see: 同上, 353-54.
439.「ママ、赤いバナナなんてMamma have you: 同上, 355.
439.「H・H・ホームズ所持品Property of H. H. Holmes: 同上, 158.
440.「これはどう見てもit did not look like: 同上, 173.
440. ガイアは六月二十七日木曜日のGeyer reached Cincinnati: 同上, 174. Geyer devotes pages 173-298 to a nearly day-by-day account of his search.
443.「話すことなんてThere is really: 同上, 174.
444.「まだこのポプラ・ストリートのI was not able: 同上, 180.
445.「とても金持ちでa very wealthy man: 同上, 188.
446.「私たちはみんな元気ですWe are all well bere: 同上, 269-70.
447.「明日の日曜はAnd I expect: 同上, 271.
447.「お母さんのほうがIt seems as though: 同上, 272.
448.「とても心細がってevidently heartbroken: 同上, 190.
448.「ホームズはハワードに手を焼いてHolmes said that Howard: 同上, 189.
448.「なぜか、ハワードが子の町をsomething seemed to tell me: 同上, 190.
449. 驚いたことにGeyer realized: 同上, 213-14.
450.「ママにコートが必要だとTell mama: Reprinted in Franke, 223-24.
450.「かわいそうな少女アリスSo when this poor child: Geyer, 258.
450.「ハワードはもうここにはHoward, she had written: Franke, 224.

451. 「耐えねばならないThe great humiliation: Mudgett,215.
451. 「自分の時計やその他and to keep my watch: lbid., 216.
452. 「よかったら、私といっしょにCome wtth me 同上, 5.
452. 反社会性人格障害のIt is one ofthe defining: Diagnostic, 646; Karpman, 499; Silverman, 21, 28, 32, 33.
452. 「監獄日記prison diary: Mudgett, 210. His supposed diary appears on 211-21.
454. 「あの子たちにはわが子のつもりでI was as careful: Letter reprinted in Geyer, 163-71.

455. 一八九五年七月七日On Sunday, July 7, 1895: Geyel, 214.
457. 「こえは信じがたいほどのThis seemed too good: 同上, 230.
458. 「小さな穴をあけたとたんOnly a slight hole: Philadelphia Public Ledger, August 5, 1895.
459. 「できるだけそっともちあげたWe lifted her: Geyer, 233,
459. ネリーの両足首Nellie's feet: Schechter, 224.
460. 「アリスの歯と髪の毛I told her: Geyer, 244.
460. 「ネリーはどこ?Where is Nellie?: 同上, 245.
460. 「なにより驚くのはNothing could be more: 同上, 250.
461. 「私の生涯でもone of the most satisfactory: Philadelphia Public Ledger, August 5, 1895.
461. 「ホームズがほのめかしたようにHad he been placed: Geyer, 251-52.

462. フィラデルフィアではIn Philadelphia: Barlow's attempt to catch Holmes by surprise is detailed in Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 17, 1895.
462. 「そして手にしたとたんand I hardly opened it: Mudgett, 226.
463. 「弁舌の才にgenius for explanation: Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 17, 1895.
463. 「あんな告発にI was in no condition: Mudgett, 227.
463. 「思いついたことがあるMy ideas are: Boswell and Thompson, 112-13.

465. 「インディアナポリス市内とその周辺The number of mysterious persons: Geyer, 268.
465. 「日はめぐりDays came and passed: 同上, 269.
466. 犠牲者の数を二百at two hundred: Boswell and Thompson, 87; Franke, 109.
466. シカゴ警察がChicago detectives: The search of Holmes's castle conducted by Chicago police was heavily reported in the nation's newspapers. See Philadelphia Public Ledger, July 22, 25, 26, 27, 29, 30, 1895; Chicago Tribune, July 17, 21, 23, 25, 27, 28, 29, August 18, 1895; and New York Times, July 25, 26, 29, 31, 1895.
467. 「ウィリアムズ姉妹の幽霊Do you ever see: Chicago Tribune, July 26, 1895.
468. 『トリビューン』はOne Tribune headline: Chicago Tribune, July 20, 1895.
469. 「まったく成果はall, Geyer said: Geyer, 283.
469. 「正直にいってI must confess: 同上, 283-84.
469. 「この謎はThe mystery: 同上, 284.
469. 「ホームズの巣窟Holmes' Den Burned: Chicago Tribune, August 19, 1895.
469. 「月曜までにBy Monday: Geyer, 285.
470. 「あの家はうちの扱いではI did not have the renting: 同上, 286.
470. 「あの苦労の末にAll the toil: 同上, 287.
471. 「ガスは子供たちのthat he did not think: 同上, 301.
471. 「真っ黒に焦げたa large charred mass: 同上, 297.
471. ハワードのいちばんの宝It was Howard's: 同上, 300.

472. 一八九五年九月十二日On September 12, 1895: For news reports on the Philadelphia, Indianapolis, and Toronto indictments, see Philadelphia Public Ledger, September 13, 1895.
472. 「要するにここでいいたいのはIn conclusron Mudgett, 255-56.
472. 「私はすぐにでもIt is humiliating: Quoted in Literary Digest, vol. 11, no. 15 (1896) 429.
473. シカゴが「忸怩たる』思いにChicago's 「feeling of humiliation: 同上
473. なかでもとくに驚かされOne of the most surprising: Chicago Tribune, July 30, 1895.
473. 「この男は悪の天才He is a prodigy: Schechter, 228.

エピローグ 最後の交差

476. ウォルト・ディズニーの父Walt Disney's father: Mosley, 25-26; Schickel, 46.
476. 作家のL・フランク・ボームThe writer L. Frank Baum: Adams, 115; Updike, 84-85.
476. 日本の寺院The Japanese temple: Miller, 549.
476. 博覧会をきっかけにThe fair prompted: Jahn, 22.
477. ワシントンのリンカン記念堂でさえEven the Lincoln Memorial: The fair's success boosted Burnham's prestige and helped get him appointed to the federal commission charged with building the monument. His own devotion to classical styles then held sway. See page 389 and corresponding note below. Also see Hines, 154-57.
477. 「われわれを凡庸の荒野からour people out: Moore, McKim, 245.
477. 「建築の美しさpossibilities of social beauty: Hines, 120.
477. ウィリアム・ステッドはWilliam Stead recognized: Whyte, 53.
477. 彼らは自分たちの都市にもThey asked Burnham: Hines, 140, 180-83, 188-89, 190-91. See also Burnham and Bennett, Plan; Burnham and Bennett, Report; McCarthy, 「Chicago Businessmen.「
478. ワシントンの改修計画While helping design: Hines, 148-49.
478. ほかにもバーナムに都市計画をOther cities came to Daniel Burnham: Hines, 347.
479. 「助言してやってもいいがIf I told you: Crook, 112. See Crook throughout for an excellent if dry account of Sullivan's decline after the world's fair--dry because the work is a doctoral thesis.
479. 「DHBから追加の金をLouis Sullivan called: Hines, 232.
480. 「ダニエル・H・バーナムへTo Daniel H. Burnham: 同上
480. 「病原体contagion: Sullivan, Louis, 321, 324.
480. 「ウイルスvirus: 同上, 324.
480. 「進行性脳膜炎progressive cerebral meningitis: 同上
480. 「こうして自由の土地Thus Architecture died: 同上 325.
481. ハーヴァードとイェールBoth Harvard and Yale: Hines, 125.
481. 「息子にはHe needs to know: 同上, 254, 263.
481. 「彼が亡くなった時点ではWhat was done Daniel Burnham, Biography of Daniel Hudson Burnham of Chicago, Moore Papers, Speech, Article and Book File, Burnham 1921, Proofs and Biographical Sketches.
481. 「はたしてミスター・ルートのIt was questioned by many: Ellsworth to Moore, February 8, 1918, Moore Papers, Speech, Article and Book File, Burnham Correspondence, 1848-1927, Box 13 File 2.
482. 一九〇一年In 1901 Burnham built: Hines, 288.
482. 二十七軒のビルのうちOf the twenty-seven buildings: Lowe, 122.
483. 「これまで自然のUp to our time: Hines, 351.
483. 「博覧会のあいだはI thought the fair: Burnham to Margaret, April 7, 1894, Burnham Archives, Family Correspondence, Box 25, File 5.
483. 「私に十分な時間があればIf I were able: Edward H. Bennett, 「Opening of New Room for the Burnham Library of Architecture,「 October 8, 1929, Burnham Archives, Box 76.
484. 「きみたちはYou'll see it lovely: Undated biography, Burnham Archives, Box 28, File 2.

485. 「今日初めてIt has today: Olmsted, May 10, 1895, memory no longer to be trusted.
485. その夏That summer: Stevenson, 424.
485. 「生涯最悪の週the bitterest week: Rybczynski, Clearing, 407.
485. 「『施設』送りにするのがyou cannot think: 同上
485. 飼っていた馬を殴りつけるHe beat the family horse: Roper, 474.
486. 「私のプランがThey didn't carry out: 同上
486. 妻は参列しなかったHis wife: Rybczynski, Clearing, 411.
486. 一八九六年の秋In the autumn of 1896: Anderson, 75.
486. 十一月十七日On November 17: 同上, 75.
486. 「ミセス・フェリスにThe request of Mrs. Ferris: 同上, 77.
486. 「自分の持久力にかぎってmiscalculated his powers: 同上, 75.
487. 一九〇三年In 1903: For details on the fate of Ferris's wheel, see Anderson, 77-81.
487. 「一つだけ確かなことがBut one thing: Bloom, 143.
488. バッファロー・ビルはこの博覧会でThe fair made Buffalo Bill: Carter, 376; Monaghan, 422.
488. デンヴァーの姉妹の家で息をHe died in Denver: Monaghan, 423.
488. 「ジャクソン・パークへ行ってI went to Jackson Park: Lingeman, 114.
489. 「この何年かIt means so much: Hines, 266-67.
490. 「どんな事情であれNo one should be: Prendergast to Alfred Trude (the letter is dated February 21, 1893, but the date is clearly incorrect, as the letter was written after his conviction; the return address is the Cook County Jail), Trude Papers.
490. 「心を病んでa poor demented imbecile: Darrow, 425.
490. 「すべての父とI am sorry for all fathers: Weinberg, 38.
490. ラグーンに捨てられたThey dumped: Darrow, 228.
490. ニューヨークのIn New York: Legend holds that a notorious belly dancer named Little Egypt made her debut at the world's fair. Sol Bloom says she was never there (Bloom, 137). Donna Carlton, in Looking for Little Egypt, says it's possible a dancer named Little Egypt was indeed at the fair but that many dancers adopted the name. Some sources also claim that Little Egypt's name was Farida Mazhar. (Half a dozen spellings exist; I've chosen this one.) About all that can be said with certainty is that a dancer named Farida Mazhar likely did appear at the fair. Carlton says she 「probably performed「 (74) on the Midway and cites a source who contends that Farida believed 「 'the title of Little Egypt belonged to her.'「 George Pangalos, the impresario who brought the Street in Cairo to the Midway, stated publicly that he hired Mazhar to dance at his concession in the Midway and that she was considered one of the finest dancers in Cairo. And columnist Teresa Dean describes a visit to the theater in the Street in Cairo where she saw 「Farida, the pretty girl who goes through her contortions「 (157). In any event a young woman using the name Little Egypt apparently did pop out of a whipped-cream pie in New York several years after the fair, at a stag party that became so notorious it was called the Awful Seeley Dinner. Its host was Herbert Barnum Seeley, a nephew of the late P. T. Barnum, who threw the party on behalf of his brother, Clinton Barnum Seeley, who was about to be married (Carlton, 65).

492. 「口から赤い液体がThere was a red fluid: Trial, 117.
492. 「昼食のためにI would ask: 同上, 124.
493. 「まったく意に介さずIt was an expression: Philadelphia Public Ledger, October 31, 1895.
493. 「トロントの死体置き場でI saw them at Toronto: Trial, 297.
493. 「世界で最も危険な男the most dangerous man: Schechter, 315.
493. 「ミセス・ピツェルとThat he fully intended: Geyer, 317.
494. 「投獄されてからというものI am convinced: Philadelphia Inquirer, April 12, 1896.
494. 「そのままにしておきHere I Ieft them: 同上
494. 「初めて会ったときからIt will be understood: 同上
494. 弁護士は断わったHis lawyers turned down: Franke, 189.
494. ウィスター研究所のThe Wistar Institute: Philadelphia Inquirer, May 10, 1896.
494. 「この男はThe man was something: 同上
495. 「きみ、慌てることはないTake your time, old man: Philadelphia Inquirer, May 8, 1896. The Philadelphia Public Ledger of the same date offers a slightly different version: 「Don't be in a hurry, Aleck. Take your time.「
495. 「ホームズの考えHolmes' idea: Philadelphia Inquirer, May 8, 1896.
496. それ以後Strange things: I derived this account mainly from news clippings gathered as an appendix in Holmes's memoir. See Mudgett, after page 256. Schechter offers a nice distillation of these strange events on 333-37.
496. 墓石も記念碑もないNo stone: 私の観察によるMy observations.
496. 一九九七年In 1997: Stewart, 70.

498. 「それでも――私にはわかっているBut--I know: Burnham to Millet, April 12, 1912, Moore Papers, Speech, Article and Book File, Burnham Correspondence, 1848-1927. Box 13, File 1.
498. ニューヨーク入港後のHon. F. D. Millet: Envelope, April 11, 1912, 同上
499. 二つの船を設計したThe builder of both ships: Lynch, 159.
499. 「たいしたことはなさそうだからI think it is nothing serious: Whyte, 314.
499. 「よき友、フランク・ミレーがFrank Millet, whom I Ioved: Hines, 359.
499. 家族とともにAs he and his family traveled: Hines, 360, 433.
500. 二人ともシカゴのグレースランド墓地にBoth are buried: My observations. See also Hucke and Bielski, 13-30.


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